Since 2014, the price of silver and gold haven’t made much progress. It has been pretty flat and even made some major dips. This has caused the price of gold miners and silver miner stocks to drop dramatically as they are usually leveraged to go up higher or go down more than the price.
Recently, there has been plenty of market forecasts including the FED that show the USA will have declining growth. President Trump wants the FED to even lower interest rates to spur more growth. As things slow down, there is more fear of a recession. These things usually mean that people wish to invest in gold and silver which are consider safe assets.
Two stocks I recommend that are invested in both silver and gold are First Magestic Silver AG and Couer Mining CDE. Out of the two, First Magestic Silver is the safer of the two but Couer Mining has more upside if the prices of gold and silver increase. I recommend looking at both to put in your portfolio.